Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tip 6: How Do You Discover the Whole of Your Story?

Here's some real homework for you.  Fortunately, it's fun all the way, and you won't even think about writing while you do it. 

Please go out and rent or buy a DVD copy  (I own a copy and use it regularly in workshops) of the movie Minority Report.   It's quite old, a science fiction movie but also a mystery.  You won't be sorry to own it, once we go through it together after you watch it.  (If you don't own a DVD player you can buy it in VHS, but it's easier for us all to refer to the same place in the movie given chapters.)

Please watch it twice, and then right away let me know you've watched it?   Even if you've already watched it before, please watch it again, very carefully. When everyone who usually checks in tells me they've read it, I'll lead you through this Tip: on how to discover the whole of your story.  I have never found anything that works better for me in helping others to understand the process. 

Not everyone will discover the whole of their stories this way, but you know what? -- it ALWAYS works for me. 

Hope to hear from you soon...



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